About the Contributors

About Our Contributors Afeed Areifiz is a second year English major who moved to Vancouver close to two years ago, from Bangladesh, to attend UBC. Deanna Chan is in her final semester at UBC, working towards a double major in French and Honours English Literature. She loves writer’s block, condescending comments about her degree, and

“Stomaching the Consequences of Posthumanism: Capitalism and Interdependent Consumption in M.T. Anderson’s Feed” Academic Essay by Julia Tikhonova

Stomaching the Consequences of Posthumanism: Capitalism and Interdependent Consumption in M.T. Anderson’s Feed Academic Essay by Julia Tikhonova M.T. Anderson’s Feed portrays a dystopian world in which the seemingly fixed epistemological framework of what it means to be human is provokingly destabilized. Renegotiating the boundary between humans and machines, citizens in Feed live with neural